FAQ – Questions and answers about music lessons

My child is ill. Will missed lessons be made up?

Answer: The provisions of the teaching contract apply. If the illness does not exceed a period of two weeks, the tuition fee is payable. If the illness lasts longer than two weeks, payment of the tuition fee can be suspended in consultation with the music school.

My teacher was ill last week. Will missed lessons be made up?

Answer: In case of illness of a teacher, the music school usually provides a substitute. This ensures the lessons. If, due to a very short-term illness of a teacher, lessons were actually not held, a claim for rescheduling can be made – alternatively, there is also the possibility of reimbursement of the corresponding tuition fee.

I have no time today. Will missed lessons be made up?

Answers: The provisions of the teaching contract apply. If a lesson is cancelled by the pupil, no claim can be made. Individual arrangements are left to the discretion of the teachers.

Why do I have to pay the tuition fee during the holidays?

Answers: The music school’s performance specified in the teaching contract is defined and calculated at 36 lessons per year. In this case, it is not relevant how these 36 lessons are distributed over the twelve months of a year in which public and school holidays can vary. For the sake of simplicity, the fee for the agreed lessons will be divided into twelve equal parts, to be paid monthly.

How do 14-days lesson units work?

Answer: 18 lessons per year are guaranteed; the tuition fee is set at half the fee for the corresponding weekly tuition. As a rule, for 14-day lesson units, off-peak times are used at the beginning or end of a lesson day so that the teacher can adjust to the change in the timetable. Or the lesson is occupied by two participants in a weekly changing rhythm. Short-term arrangements between participants and the teacher are possible or rather necessary.

The appointment is no longer convenient for me. How can I change it?

Answer: In the best case, the teacher offers own free appointments to the pupil. If this is not possible or not successful, the music school will offer alternative dates with other teachers and / or other teaching locations.