Prices & Contract information for instrumental and vocal lessons

Prices federal state Brandenburg & Berlin

Kind of teachingTimes weekly *Prices monthly
One-to-one lesson45 min129,00 €
One-to-one lesson30 min89,00 €
One-to-one lesson20 min69,00 €
Group of two45 min69,00 €
Group of two30 min55,00 €
Group of three45 min59,00 €
Kind of teachingTimes weekly *Prices monthly
Baby course40 min39,00 €
Music for parents and infants40 min45,00 €
Early musical education45 min39,00 €
Instrumental diversity 30 min39,00 €
Mini-band30 min45,00 €
When finger learn to walk30 min39,00 €
Band playing45 min39,00 €

Prices are valid since 1 May 2024. All previous price lists lose their validity.

* One teaching unit is given per week. No lessons take place during school holidays in the state of Brandenburg or in the state of Berlin and on public holidays.

Contract information of the music school

Before concluding a teaching agreement, a free trial lesson can take place.

The teaching contract can be terminated the first three months with a notice period of 14 days at the end of each month, thereafter, with a period of six weeks each, at the end of the summer holidays or at the end of the Christmas holidays. After consultation with the music school, a change of subject within an existing contract is possible at the end of each month.

One lesson will be given per week. This amounts to a total of 36 lessons per year. The tuition fee is payable in twelve equal monthly instalments.

On public holidays and during school holidays in the respective federal states no lessons take place. In the case of the prevention of a teacher, the music school is looking for a substitute teacher. If the lessons are cancelled for reasons that lie with the music school or the teacher, the missed lesson will be made up.

In case of pupil’s illness or other inability to come, the tuition fee for the first two weeks remains to be paid. Moreover, in consultation with the music school the payment can be suspended if there are important reasons (ongoing illness, hospital, spa stay).

Significant and legally effective is the concluded teaching contract.